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How to reduce the noisy vibrations of your hard drive
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Noisy vibrations from our computer desktop system may be very irritating. Most part of this noisy sound is from your hard drive and most part of this is from our hard drive vibrations. If you are interested in reducing the amount of this sound, TechBuzz blog present a method which is not official, but it works.The method is very simple. The secret is elastic band which acts as suspender and vibration absorber to the hard drive and reduce the vibration in the case to which hard drive is attached. Hard drive still has vibrations, but it does not pass them to the case attached with it. As guys form TechBuzz said: “This reduces the amount of noisy sound from the system drastically.”
So, if you like hardware and experiments with it, this can be a job for you. [via]
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hey dude.
Its jay from Tech Buzz,the source of this post.Its fine that you have mentioned my site as source but buddy things doesn't go this manner.
If you are providing a link to someone from where you have copied content then you have to provide him a link that add some google juice to him not a tricky rel="NOFOLLOW" link which doesn't matter to search engine.
So be nice when you copy content from other site and please ask for permission to do so in advance along with a non tricky link.
So either you should remove this post or you should provide me a link without nofollow tag.
@jay: Hi Jay,
As you notice I mentioned I link od the source. And, I like you blog as your blog regular visitor. It is not problem to remove nofollow from links in the post. Or, If you like we can exchange links.
But, please don't be rude and consider that the content is not copied, because your blog as source is mentioned in this post, and think about as promotion of your blog. Or, if you like I will remove this post
As a blog write i always appreciate sharing of information and thats the way blogosphere works.
I also appreciate that you read my blog and liked some post so much that you shared it with your blog readers too.
I was not saying about the removal of post but it was about the nofollow tag.If you remove the nofollow tag,I would highly appreciate that act.
My comment was not about hurting someone so do not analyze my comment in that respect.
@Jay: nofollow code removed.
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