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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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Internet radio - for Windows and Linux under Wine - Screamer radio

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Screamer Radio is an excellent Internet radio player ready with hundreds of easily recordable radio stations at your fingertips.

It is an internet radio database and player making it easy to listen any of the thousands of radio stations at highest bandwidth available from the station and your connection! Screamer Radio can play WMA, MPEG, MP3, Ogg Vorbis or ACC streams and also can record streams into several formats. It can receive ID3 Tags from the internet radio server and automatically display the name and artist of the current song; this information can be used when recording - the title and artist will be added into the filename. Also, Screamer Radio will not slow down your computer and can be easily hidden in the system tray.

With Screamer radio you can search by Genre by Region, by Language, add to favorites (to change favorites you directly go into notepad, great advantage!) you can add your own station or delete it. Absoluty Rocks! DetectorPro Recommendation.


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