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How to access Wikipedia on your cell/mobile phone
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Three services are most used for access Wikipedia with your cell/mobile phone.Unyverse: http://www.unyverse.com is a new service to access Wikipedia with your Java or Windows Mobile phone, from anywhere.
It uses a small smart client application and has the following advantages over the pure WAP/mobile web access:
- You can read your previously downloaded articles offline when you have no connection
- Reading experience is optimized with nice table of contents, page by page formatting, and change font size which is important when reading on a small screen
- entire content is downloaded compressed, so it is faster
- You can synchronize your bookmarked article with your free Unyverse web account
Wapedia: http://wapedia.mobi/en/
Wikipedia mobile: http://wikipedia.7val.com/
Now, you can amaze your friends anywhere, with your knowledge of everything by simply accessing Wikipedia on your cell or PDA.
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