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Friday, October 10, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Viktor Ustijanoski in
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Animated webpage counter

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Animated Hit Counter is all-vector, scalable, animated webpage hit counter. The Flash file makes use of a simple PHP script which keeps track of the unique pageloads (by using cookies) and total pageloads by writing log to a text file. The file 'spins' the final numbers into place from a starting value that you can specify in the XML config file.

You can adjust almost anything you want: the number of windows, the number of decimal windows, the background color, the border colors, fade, animation type, delay time, sounds etc..

Users can click the counter to reload the current count and 're-spin' the numbers to the most recent count. You need Flash 8 and above to edit and to play. Have fun.

Download here.

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