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How to add Adsense for feeds to your FeedBurner feed
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If you have FeedBurner feed for your site and also you have Adsense account you can try set up Adsense for Feeds to your FeedBurner account and get some extra revenue. People who switched from FeedBurner feed to Google feed probably told you some horrible story about losing RSS readers at the moment of feed migration because the process of migration has some bugs. But this is just scary story. I have simple solution of how to add Adsense for feeds to your FeedBurner feed without any damage. To do that you must first setup Adsense for feed and second - redirect your FeedBurner to Adsense for feed. Here are the detailed steps:
Set Up Your AdSense for Feed
Log into your AdSense account and set up AdSense for Feed:
Now you are back on the main set up screen again.
You are done on AdSense side.
Redirect Your FeedBurner Feed To AdSense Feed
Now log in to your FeedBurner account.
You’re done. The changes will be visible after short time. Anyway, you can immediately see impressions in your Adsense report.
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