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Monday, January 26, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Legal analyst of terms and conditions - EULAlyzer

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Probably, to safe your time, when you install new software you just clicked to continue on the form of terms and conditions (EULA) that you were obliged to accept. After your acceptation of agreement you can find quite surprised when you realize that the contract on which you have committed, no one with the healthy mind would ever agree.

A good example is the agreement on the terms and conditions, which has recently make dust the internet world. Of course, it is about Google's new browser Chrome whose initial terms was shocking. With agreeing to those license terms you renounced from all copyrights for everything you write about Chrome, which automatically become the intellectual property of Google.

Sounds serious? This is because this is so.

However, if this means that you every time when you install and use the Internet services should, however, read the agreement on the terms and conditions?

Of course!

Fortunately, if you're not a fan of difficult to understand legal texts, this program will certainly please you.

Its specialty is the quick analysis of the contract on terms and conditions as you would not have missed potentially important or interesting provisions.

The whole thing works quite simply: in the main window of the program, choose the scanning licenses, paste the entire text of the contract there or try to "catch" the text of contracts to drag and drop in the window. It takes only few moments after you run the analysis to get a relatively detailed and categorized list of all parts of the contract for which is estimated EULAlyzer that are important or potentially harmful. The entire contract will get a special identification number, and it that number is higher, a contract is potentially dangerous. Potential dangerous provisions (or provision parts) will be marked (selected) in order to further study.

EULAlyzer is not a program that will provide legal advice or in any way seek to explain the provision that apart, but it will only provide knowledge that the contract contains provisions that would certainly worth reading. Interpreting the terms still remains on you. If you are interested in terms that EULAlyzer is not marked, there is option of a very basic search of the contract.

Besides the analysis of the contract, EULAlyzer allows recording, and if you need to help for improving algorithm of EULAlyzer, each contract can be sent anonymously in research center.

Conclusion: EULAlyzer is potentially a very useful program that will help you to easily notice the typical pitfalls of contracts terms and conditions without losing your time. More information about this interesting program you can find at official site.

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