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Monday, February 9, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Linux Vs. Windows overview

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The differences between Linux and Windows operating systems have always existed and always will exist, so, in the following text we will make an attempt to explain just the characteristics that are significantly different.

Briefly about Windows
Although most varieties of Linux operating system has significantly improved ease of use, Windows is still much easier to use for new computer users. Due to the large number of users of Microsoft Windows, there is a much bigger choice of available software programs, tools, applications and games for Windows. Because of this facts Windows has much bigger support for hardware devices and it is supported of most hardware manufactures.

Briefly about Linux
Although people from Microsoft made a big improvement in terms of reliability over the last few versions of the Windows operating systems, it still does not match of the level of Linux operating system.

Direct differences

Mostly all Linux distributions are free to use, and even redistribution. With Microsoft nothing is free and all versions of operating system have its price.

Software Support
Although the support for Linux is free, can be obtained through the forums and dedicated web pages, sometimes, for quality response you must wait few days. On the other side, Microsoft developed a heavy support for its users through several different channels, and although in certain situations we must pay for support (0800-300-300 is free for end users), we always prefer to pay for faster and quality response than waiting for response few days.

Hardware support
Have you ever purchased several pieces of hardware and tried to connect those pieces to your computer with a Linux distribution? We are sure that the majority of those hardware pieces will not work. It will start to work just with advanced adjustment and settings. With Microsoft Windows there will be no problem, almost 100% of the currently available hardware components will work after connecting it (plug in) to your computer.

Open Source
Linux belongs to the open source systems. Open source system allows to its users to customize and modify the source to their own wishes and needs. From the other side Microsoft Windows has closed code. It is impossible to get it, even if Microsoft several times announced that it will open their code to the public.

Command line or graphical interface (GUI)
Try to explain to middle-aged person how to install driver or install or remove programs just with a command line and then point to him/her Windows Control Panel – section Add new hardware or Add/Remove programs. Understand what we talk? Graphic management of programs and tools is more acceptable solution of the black screen ...

Personal, I prefer both, Windows for my routine jobs at work, Linux to explore, learn and develop.

So, which operating system is your choice?

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