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Boost your computer experience with Reimage PC Booster
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If your Windows computer is running slow and takes ages to open the desired programs - don't buy a new one, try Reimage PC Booster. Many installed applications, start up processes, antivirus software, downloads, Live streaming, Facebook, Youtube, movies, MS office and professional applications - result with slow computer experience.
Every running application and background process take a valuable hardware resource. With multitasking we are able to run several applications at the moment and running all of them we get slower machine. Also, we want to use P2P downloads and watch Youtube videos on the same time, but we cannot because we must manage all Internet bandwidth manually. How to do that? Reimage PC Booster is a solution for that problem. It acts like resource manager – reallocating the needed resources to your required actions. How PC Booster do that?PC Booster improves PC performance by tracking the real-time actions of the PC user and slows down the non-required actions, allocating extra CPU, RAM, disk, and networking resources to meet their immediate need of required applications. So if you download something from the net and want to watch Youtube video at the same time, PC Booster will slow down the download process so you can watch the video without interruption and after that will restore the download process. Or, because your computer has many startup processes, when you want to run Adobe Photoshop or MS Word – for example, PC Booster will cut non required resource hungry processes and allocate all available CPU, RAM, and disk performance to Photoshop or MS Word. So, what PC booster does? It changes the applications priority according to your needs. This results in average 50% computer speed up improvement (according to producer) just with installation of a single software.
The slow computer experience days are over. Turn your computer into a stable, productive and speed machine now.
Reimage PC Booster is for Windows XP and Vista. The reimage.com PC Booster comes with a free 72 hour trial and other options for online PC repair.
Download and try Reimage.com PC Booster here.
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Don't waste you're time or money on this product. I would be very surprised if it made even a measuraeble improvement in performance.
Much of what is claimed is not really possible. Allocation of resources, such as RAM, is the exclusive domain of the operating system. Any influence a program might have will be very crude and more likely to impair performance than improve it. With rare exceptions changing CPU priority will not improve performance.
Programs such as this are sold because people are willing to pay for them, not because they do anything useful. Microsoft has tried ALL of these techniques, if they worked they would be in the system.
Larry Miller
Microsoft MCSA
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