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Thursday, April 9, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Green Peace Call for Help– Hands Off Our Rice

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Hands Off Our RiceDo you know that the world's most important staple food is under threat and we need your help urgently. This is call for signing the Green Peace petition for all readers.

Rice is daily food for half of the global population. It has been grown around the world for over 10,000 years and is cultivated in 113 countries. For millions of people rice is not just a food - it's a way of life.

Bayer, the German chemical giant, has created a genetically engineered (GE) variety of rice that will put our health, our agriculture and our biodiversity at risk. The European Union (EU) will soon decide whether or not Bayer's GE rice can end up on European dinner plates. But this will not only affect Europeans. If the EU approves the import of Bayer's GE rice, farmers in the US and elsewhere may soon start planting the manipulated crop.

Stopping GE rice is not just about consumer choice or the environment - it's a lot bigger than that. It's a matter of global food security, human rights and survival.

You can tell the EU to keep Bayer's hands off your rice - sign the petition. Thanks for your help saving the world's most important food.

P.S. Do you know that Ecological farming is the safest solution to the food crisis and looming climate change disasters. By signing the petition you're adding your voice in support of global sustainability in the face of climate change.

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Agnes CF Lee said...

I have signed in the petition. thanks for including it in your blog, we must stop all the GE rice to save ourselves and the generations to come. You have a very informative IT blog.