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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Windows 7 Offer the Possibility of Downgrade to Older Operating Systems

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Windows 7 Offer the Possibility of Downgrade to Older Operating SystemsMicrosoft has announced that the next operating system, incoming Windows 7 offer the possibility of downgrade to older operating systems.

At Windows 7 ability of downgrade is new extended functionality in comparison to Windows Vista.

After official stopping of sales of Windows XP-based computer, manufacturer can deliver pre-downgraded PC licensed for Vista, but installed with operating system Windows XP - only if client expressly requested that, while for Windows 7 manufacturers will decide themselves which operating system will be installed on computer after the delivery, based on the expected demand of power. Also, Windows 7 will offer the possibility of downgrade to Windows XP, not just for Vista.

Microsoft has not announced additional details of the right for downgrade functionality of Windows 7, but we think that this functionality will be added only to versions Ultimate and Professional.


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