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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Opera Unite - New Service For Easy File Sharing and Communication

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Opera presented a new free service, which should allow easy file sharing and communication between the users and thus "re-invent it."

Service called Opera Unite for does not require any mediating servers, but allows direct exchange of files between users with the help of the Internet browser transforming the user's computer in the client and server in the same time.

In Opera emphasized that similar services existed even earlier but required are relatively strong technical knowledge of users, installation of special software, and pay a subscription if you want to enable full file transfer speed. On the other hand Opera Unite service is completely free, and should be very simple to be used of inexperienced users.

Currently, Opera Unite offers several services that enable sharing of files and images, easy communication between users and launch your own web server on your local computer. In Opera said that the platform is completely open and allows independent developers to add various new features.

More information can be found on official Opera pages.

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