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Friday, July 31, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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CALO - Cognitive Assistant That Learns and Organizes

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Microsoft "personal assistant" in the Office, Clippy, which we remember the most in the form of paperclips and I think that most of windows users remember it as annoying and not effective, returns to the middle door.

U.S. Agency for advanced military research DARPA launched a project CALO - Cognitive Assistant that learns and organizes, which returns the idea of personal digital assistants, this time in the military environment. Their version of Clippy should help military personnel in the dull everyday affairs, such as scheduling meetings and recovery of e-mails.

In addition, Clippy is being planned for non military activities such as application for the iPhone with name Siri, which will appear in the App Store this year. It should help users to help you find the reviews and texts on the Internet, schedule reservations, and have similar thingies.

An illustration with text is the work of team from Engadget.

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