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Thursday, July 30, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Linux 3D Modeling and Rendering - Art Of Illusion

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If you are Linux user and you work with 3D Modeling, this is nice FREE application which you must add in your applications collection. Art of Illusion is a free, open source 3D modeling and rendering studio. It is written entirely in Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later.

Many of its capabilities rival those found in commercial programs. Some of the highlights include subdivision surface based modeling tools, skeleton based animation, and a graphical language for designing procedural textures and materials.


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Anonymous said...


Why wouldn't you just use Blender? It's open source and free aswell, and it has a much larger userbase as well as more tools and learning materials.