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Friday, August 7, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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Free modeling and composition program for Linux – KPovModeler

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KPovModeler is a modeling and composition program for creating POV-Ray(TM) scenes in KDE.

For most of the modelers, POV-Ray is nothing but a rendering engine and they bring a lot of limitations to the innate possibilities of POV-Ray scripted language. This is not the case for KPovModeler which allows you to use all the features of POV-Ray through the translation of POV-Ray language into a graphical tree.

Almost all options of POV-Ray's script language can be used within KPovModeler. "Almost" because variables, loop instructions, macros and some operators can't directly be, unfortunately. On the other hand, KPovModeler allows you to include a part of a script with the "Raw POV-Ray" tool; such a raw code will only be taken into account by POV-Ray during the rendering stage.

Among the features you can find:

  • Management of the scene through a graphical tree.
  • Object modification with control points in a graphical view or direct manipulation of object attributes in a dialog.
  • Nonblocking scene rendering with OpenGL as wire frame views.
  • Freely configurable view layout with dock widgets.
  • Copy/paste and drag/drop of (a subset of) povray(!) code into and out of the object tree.
  • Undo and redo.
  • Scene rendering and texture preview with povray inside the program.
  • Support for almost all povray objects.
  • Support for all textures.
  • Prototypes (declarations) and references.
  • All projection modes of the camera.

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