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Kontera ContentLink and Kontera Hybrid
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Kontera ContentLink is a link ad network which allows you to make money from advertising without giving up any advertising spots and places on you site. They have specific technology which reads your posts and turns some of the words into a link ad. Those links are double underline and after the visitor hover over the link, ad pops up. Then visitor click on the ad, publisher get money, advertiser get more visitors and potential customers. Kontera requires a site to have a minimum 500,000 page views per month before being accepted into the program.
Recently, Kontera launched new product called, Kontera Hybrid. This product works the same as normal Kontera link ad. New ad differs only on the content of the ad shown.
The original ad served from Kontera looks like the picture below:As you can see, the content of the normal/original Kontera ad is purely the ad of the advertiser.
Take a look on Kontera Hybrid ad:Kontera Hybrid ad is split in two sections. First section (left part of the ad) shows to the visitor - your website content (related content). In the second section (right part of the ad), you can see ad of the advertiser (Advertisement). Actually, Kontera Hybrid ad model, gives two choices to visitors: First – to stay in your website by offering the related pages; second - to check the advertiser site.
I think that Kontera Hybrid is better solution. Kontera Hybrid gives to the visitor chance to spend more time on the site and to increase number of page views.
I will just wait for Kontera to open the “Kontera Hybrid” solution to all publishers which use Kontera ContentLink ads (me for example), and I will immediately switch from original Kontera ads to Kontera Hybrid ads. In this moment, only Kontera choose websites that will run Kontera Hybrid ads.
If you need more info about Kontera Hybrid you can visit their site HERE.
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Kontera is the best. They reject my account the first time - low visits :( , but I will try again. Obviously, this is a good way for publisher to make good money.
Hi Ukion,
My name is Vered and I'm from Kontera.
I dropped by to say thanks for the great review of our Kontera ContentLink ads and of our new product – the kontera Hybrid.
Like Kontera ContentLinks the Hybrid enables publishers to place ads on their sites and blogs without allocating any additional webpage real estate to advertising. However the Kontera Hybrid takes In-Text to the next level and focuses in user-engagement by delivering related content, from the publisher's site or the web, in addition to the advertising component. At the moment the Hybrid is offered to select publishers only, but we'll be sure to announce any changes.
I also wanted to mention that Kontera has removed the minimum page views requirement a while back, and that any site, containing textual content is welcome to join our network :).
Publisher Services Manager
@Vered: If Kontera removed the minimum page views requirement.. Wow, that's great news!! Now, Kontera doors are open to any blogger...
I wish you a good and prosper business.
Best regards,
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