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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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How to reset users passwords in Windows XP from command prompt

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Do you need to reset XP users password? DetectorPro has a little trick that dig it for you from tech-hack forums. The method is very easy to follow and doesn't require any complicated commands. The method is free to use and you don't need to pay hundreds of dollars for some utility for unlocking lost windows passwords. Just follow next simple steps:

  1. First thing you need to do is to start command prompt or CMD. There is two ways to do that:
    • Press F8 when Windows XP start up (before windows xp logo - progress bar for loading) and choose "Save Mode Command prompt" option
    • If you are logged in: click on start -> Run, type "cmd" and press ENTER.
  2. In command prompt window type command "net user" or "net users". You will see the list of users that are created on current running OS.
  3. Type "net user" "user name" "*". You will see that windows will ask you to enter new password for that particular user account! No super user privileges needed. Just type new password two times and you are done.
  4. Example of process: If the administrator username is "administrator" then command for changing its password will be: "net user administrator *".
Note: quotes (") in the post are just for highlighting the word.

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ketan dhallu said...

thats booring
u may reset any password without knowing usernamt
net user %username% *

Anonymous said...

Care to elaborate on the tip?

Anonymous said...

@Aznam: Yes of course! Any idea (or tip)?
