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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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How to virtually lock a folder in Windows

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This is very useful trick to lock a FOLDER in Windows. You can use this method when you like to hide content of some folder from other users. This trick has only been tested in Windows XP. Other windows OS-es testings are welcome as comment to this post!

I will explain this method with example:

1. Suppose you want to lock the folder TEMP1 in C:\TEMP1. In the same drive(same parent folder) create a text file(you can use notepad for this) and type:

ren TEMP1 TEMP1.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

Save this text file as file lock.bat

2. Create another text file and copy/paste:

ren TEMP1.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} TEMP1

Save this text file as unlock.bat

So, we created two batch files: lock.bat and unlock.bat
If you like to lock TEMP1 folder just run lock.bat and the folder TEMP1 will change to "control panel" icon and you cannot view its contents. If you want to unlock it just run unlock.bat and you will get back your original folder.

Save lock and unlock batch files in some secret folder or other medium (CD/DVD/Floppy perhaps :) ) and use it then you need them to lock and unlock specific folders.

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Anonymous said...

This is a neat trick. I liked it.