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Torrent users, keep away from France!
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If you love Torrent, keep away from France. If you download three times pirate material from torrent in France, you will be prosecuted and proclaimed as criminal - punishment will be suppression of internet access for one year. France with this law likes to terminate downloaders without trial. This is the presumption of guilt: the idea that some country has law to makes you automatically guilty without a trial, without the chance to face your accuser, without even being charged. As I know the idea of democracy is that we do not punish the innocent to get at the guilty. France law for internet downloaders is opposite of every known democratic statute.The realization of this law is in 3 phases. After first violation of this law (first “illegal” download) the downloader will receive warning e-mail. After second violation the downloader will receive warning mail (obviously in France don’t like (or don’t believe) in electronic communication – injustice). After third violation downloader will be shut down and proclaimed dead (I am kidding :) ) - the downloader will be cut off the internet access for one year.
The cost of this system will be borne by all French Internet users, whose connections will rise in price to reflect the cost of the ISPs being co-opted to do the copyright cartel's dirty work. European parliament and French ISPs are strongly against this law because this plan will shut down the legitimate network traffic of many innocents. Also, ISPs will face legal penalties if they don't enforce heavily enough.
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it's a violation of freedom!
Yes it is. They want to rule with everything!
I love France! I love all crazy stuff , food, wine, cheese from France. But with this law France seriously can damage all my positive thinking.
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