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Top 3 iPhone security tips
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If you are one of many users of Apple iPhone and until now – security of your phone is not on your mind, you must consider about security risks. These risks include getting a web-mail account hacked, having your online identity stolen, risk of losing valuable personal information such as wireless service account data that could result in financial losses, or other disasters.
To avoid this problems you must prepare you secure your iPhone. Here are the most important tips which will save you of the possible troubles:
1. Auto-Lock
One of the most basic iPhone security functions is the Auto-Lock feature, which locks the device’s touch screen after not being used for a preset time period. Though Auto-Lock is not exactly a security function on its own, nevertheless when it is combined with the Passcode safeguard it becomes a great iPhone security feature. Make sure that you turn on Auto-Lock.
2. Passcode Lock
The iPhone Auto-Lock disables the device’s screen after a preset time period of non-use, but the Passcode Lock feature takes that a step further. Whenever the device’s display locks, whether due to Auto-Lock or because you’ve hit the iPhone Sleep button–found on the top right of the device–Passcode Lock requires a four-digit code to be entered before the device can be employed again.
How-to turn on Passcode Lock:
3. Use Wi-Fi safely:
Wi-Fi support is one of the most valuable features of iPhone’s, which lets you connect to high-speed wireless networks for faster, however, employing Wi-Fi networks without taking the proper security precautions can leave your device–and everything on it–open to crafty hackers.
How to prepare Wi-Fi connection:
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