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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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Dia - powerful Cross-platform diagramming software

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Dia is free / open source diagramming software and it is developed as part of the GNOME project's office suite. Dia is powerful diagram editor useful for drawing circuits, flowcharts, and various other technical diagrams. Dia uses a controlled single document interface (CSDI) similar to GIMP and Sodipodi.

Dia also loads and saves diagrams to a custom XML format. Also, Dia can print diagrams, including very large diagrams split on multiple pages. As open source Dia is written in C language and can also be scripted using the Python programming language.

For Ubuntu Linux you can install Dia using terminal with this command:

sudo apt-get install dia-gnome
After that, you can find Dia in the Applications > Graphics menu.

You can find more information and downloads for other Linux distributions and OS-es about Dia - diagramming software on this link.

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