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Thursday, February 26, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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The power of Sorting Algorithms – examples in Java

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If you are programmer, especialy Java programmer, and you need to implement some of known sorting algorithms in you code, following link can be very helpful. Site I recommend will offer to you one of the cleanest implementations I have found on the net of sorting algorithms codes and their visualization on-line.

Here you can find clean Java code examples of The "generic" sorting algorithm, The BozoSort Algorithm, The PermSort Algorithm, The StoogeSort Algorithm, The QMSort Algorithm, The BubbleSort Algorithm, The SelectionSort Algorithm, The CocktailSort Algorithm, The InsertionSort Algorithm, The ShakerSort Algorithm, The ShakerSort 2 Algorithm, The ShellSort Algorithm, The QSort Algorithm, The HeapSort Algorithm, The JSort Algorithm, The MergeSort Algorithm.

In the page you can also visually notice the speed of different types of sorting algorithms which can be used in your code.

Personally I am a fan of quick sort (QSort) which in some situation can be the fastest algorithm ever. To feel the power of sort algorithm, the power of java code, and much more dramatic demonstration of algorithms click on this link:!

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