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Thursday, February 12, 2009

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written by: Viktor Ustijanoski in
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Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope with 2.6.28 kernel

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According to words of Tim Gardner from Canonical, Jaunty will absolutely, positively, and without a doubt, released with a 2.6.28 kernel. The 2.6.28 kernel is released in December last year, and Jaunty will not have advantage of 2.6.29 support for Btrfs, Intel kernel mode-setting support, and various other new features and drivers.

There was a same kernel debate while developing Ubuntu 8.10 about using kernel 2.6.26 or 2.6.27 but in the end they choose the newer version. In this case, according to Tim words, the decision is final and they will use stable 2.6.28 kernel release.

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