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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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8 Killer Tips for Improving Speed and Performance of Your Windows Computer

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More than often your computer become bogged down over time and begins to run slow and it shows the signs that something is not right. Usually it freezes periodically some applications for a few seconds and eventually - complete system crashes. So, if you don’t know the reason of this problem, maybe you may ask yourself why this does happen and what can be done about it?

One of the reasons can be potential virus infection. But, if you make regular update of Windows Service Packs and has quality antivirus software with regular update of virus definition, virus can’t be the problem.

So, if you are sure that in any case the reason of problem is not the virus, you may look for reason of the problem in the computer memory and hard disk. Using following tips frequently will help you to avoid some of the computer “freeze” problems and will increase your computer speed and performance from time to time.

Tips for the enhancement of the temporary files and increasing speed of your hard disk (do it once per month):

  1. You have to open C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings and then you'll find two folders one called 'temp' and you have to delete the files inside that one and the other called 'Temporary Internet Files' and we have the same thing and delete the files inside, the target link may be different if your are using another partition or if you another profile name.

  2. You have to make a disk defragmentation for the drive where the OS is installed.

  3. You can use any software like system mechanics that clean the corrupted or unused registry files.
Tips for improving the memory usage:
  1. Close all the applications which run automatically on OS startup if you are not using it in the moment.

  2. Don't leave an document or an application opened for a long time without doing anything because that will take a big space on your clipboard and the cache memory will be full so that 's the reason that the system is heavy.

  3. If you don't have a big memory and you want to use the maximum efficiency of your PC's performance so try to use the light version of software for example like 'Winamp' the old style,'Mozilla Firefox',etc,...

  4. If you don't care about the high resolution at the moment (you are not watching a movie or playing a game )you can minimize the resolution of your screen resolution and also decrease the memory used for the VGA if your Display adapter card has a shared memory (Built-in VGA).

  5. Try to leave a big space like about 3GB on in your hard disk capacity for the drive which the OS system is installed to let any temp files could be moved or installed.

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