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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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Windows 7: Using Sticky Notes

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In Windows 7 you can leave sticky notes as reminders directly on your desktop. Following steps will show you how you can do that:

  1. Click on the Start logo
  2. Start typing in stick and you will likely see Sticky Notes showing.
  3. When it is highlighted, press the Enter key
  4. You will now have a sticky note on the desktop and you can type in whatever you like
  5. Right click and you can change the color
  6. Click on the + to create a new note
  7. Click on the X to delete the note (this won't show again when the program is restarted)
  8. Press Alt-F4 to close a note you want to keep
  9. There is no need to save the note. Even after you close it, when you open the program again, the same note will be there.

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