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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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written by: Ukion in
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New Apple iPod with Camera and Microphone

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Wired allegedly reliable sources claim that the new generation of Apple iPod touch is already under construction in the Chinese factories and it comes with the integrated camera and microphone. Supposedly there is a possibility OLED screen, but this is less certain.

Also, it is mentioned Skype, which in combination with this small player with Wi-Fi will be step up to mobile phone.

It seems that this version should appear in the shops for two to three months. It is already mentioned build-in some application which will accept voice commands, record video and perform other thing, which being reserved in the past only for the iPhone.

The question is: Does this gadget will be another model of iPhone or just maybe upgraded iPhone? Time will tell.


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techuser said...

No Wonder!! Apple is making some big money on Ipods. Well, check here for some good prices on Apple Ipod. I personally like to shop my tech needs here :)