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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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written by: Viktor Ustijanoski in
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Nokia will acquire Palm

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The rumors begin to circulate again that Nokia will acquire Palm. The similar story was presented on the net in September this year, but since then there are no concrete moves by any company. The last week speculation caused increased value of Palm shares for 8.1 % (to $ 12.38), but analysts are still skeptical about this feature business move.

Although the Palm is in a poor condition for a long time and Nokia doesn’t have a modern competitor for iPhone, Blackberry or Android devices, this move, besides the high takeover cost can be very smart. Palm is estimated on 2 billion U.S. dollars, and if Nokia makes this takeover, will get a modern and high quality linux based operating system (OS is selling mobile devices nowadays) with extensible features and easy API for new applications, that combined with the Nokia marketing machinery will increase sells of the company business and smart devices. So Nokia, in a very short time will achieve significant competitiveness in relation to the major players - RIM and Apple.

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Rochester NY Movers said...

I think this will be a great move both for Palm and Nokia.

I love Palm phones, especially Treo 680. With Nokia, I think they can market the phones better.