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Monday, March 23, 2009

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written by: Viktor Ustijanoski in
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MP3HD - new MP3 format with backward compatibility

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Thomson, the company which participated in the development of the original MP3 format, a few days ago announced that is developing a new version of MP3 format – MP3 lossless or MP3HD, with backwards compatibility with old, but widely used lossy MP3 format. Thomson has launched a web pages about the new format and where you can find an evaluation encoder that will allow users to create MP3HD files out of 16-bit, 44.1-KHz-encoded stereo WAV files. There is also a plugin for WinAmp that allows you to play music files converted with the new MP3 format.

The best thing about new MP3HD format audio compression is backward compatibility with MP3 format, so there is no need for special support for MP3HD player, the MP3HD file will likely play back as just a ordinary MP3 file. Format supports bitrate of 500Kbits/s to 900Kbits/s and for an average 4-minute file size will take 23.5 Mbytes or 18 Mbytes depending of used bitrate.

For the new format of Thomson charges 75 cents for PC software decoder and between 2.5 to $ 5 for each codec. Hardware manufacturers pay 75 cents for decoder and $ 1.25 for a hardware codec.

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