[AdSense] [Earn Money] [Tips and Tricks]
Increase Adsense earnings up to 5 times
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If I got your attention with my title and you start reading this post, I suppose that you are one of the thousands bloggers, webmasters and internet marketers who are trying to make a couple of dollars on the internet using powerful advertising machine called - Google Adsense.
In this post I will present a useful and powerful tip which you can use to increase the amount of money that you get from Google Adsense. In my case, five times more!
As you now as an Adsense user, Google Adsense is a JavaScript which you add on your site. The script analyses the content of your page and delivers ads which are related to your content. You are allowed to add max 3 Adsense script units in one page (I noticed that Google changed licence agreement, and allowed more than 3 Adsense units on one page, but this is not relevant for this tip. More information for this you can get on Google Adsense page).
So, Google built the Adsense scripts to generate max. paid ads on upper units you have on the page. However, because all units are targeting the same keywords (from using the same algorithm to finding contextual ads), the units at the bottom of your page will pay less per click than the ones at the top.
I will explain with the following example:On the left you can see an example of a website layout. This web site uses 3 Adsense units on the page; 1 on top, 1 on the right and 1 under the content. Suppose unit 3 was getting the most clicks; the webmaster of this site will be scratching his head wondering why he's getting such small amounts of money with so many clicks.
The reason is that the #1 search term (the one that pays out the most) will be placed into the first unit on the page. That unit is on the top. Unit 1 is likely to have 2 items in it, so that's the 2 top paying keywords out. Unit number 2 is likely to have another 2, so that's 4 of the top paying keywords down the list. By the time you reach the bottom unit (#3) you're on the 5th, 6th, 7th etc. highest paying keywords for your content, so CPC (cost per click) is going to be small. That means; small CPC = small profit!
How I noticed this anomaly? I monitored the statistics of my Adsense account by using the filters on my ads on the blog. On this site I have two text/graphic units - one at the top of the page (into post section), the second unit just under the comments.
Statistics say: if you received 4 clicks on the top unit - that would roughly equate to $2.00. 4 clicks to my bottom unit equates to around $0.40. Imagine if I had 200 or more clicks on each.
So, if one of your Adsense units is getting significantly more clicks than the other one but is below it (in terms of page order), then you should seriously consider either moving the under-performing unit somewhere under the good one, or removing it completely.
This means that for every $1 you were earning, you'd now be making $5.
I hope this helps.
Thanks to the dedicated bloggers that shared their experiences with me, thus helping me to write this post.
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Great tips on Adsense! Thank you and keep up the good work:)
thanks for ideas alos see my recents posts
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