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Thursday, December 4, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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How to disable superfetch for Vista machines with less memory and increase computer speed

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If you have computer with memory smaller of 2GB, you are running Windows Vista on it and you like to increase computer speed especially on startup, stopping Vista Superfetch feature will do the job. The Vista Superfetch feature is an interesting one.

Superfetch feature, in theory helps you because it will 'learn' your typical activities in terms of file and application access, then preconfigure the most commonly used apps in its memory on startup, making them much faster to access. But in practice, this works only on computers with more of 2GB of memory. If you have less of 2GB of memory this will leads to a lot of disk thrashing and sluggishness. If you are not happy with the startup speed of your Vista machine, try disabling the Superfetch feature.

Stop and disable Vista Superfetch - steps:

  1. Go to the 'start' menu and type 'services' in the search bar. Hit Enter.
  2. In the services window, scroll down until you reach the 'superfetch' service. Right click and choose 'properties.'

  3. Change the 'startup type' dropdown box to 'disabled' and click the 'stop' button to stop the service.
  4. Hit 'OK'.

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