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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Viktor Ustijanoski in
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Speed Up your Internet connection or bandwidth for 20% on Windows

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Microsoft reserve 20% of your internet bandwidth for updates, error reporting and other Microsoft staff. So, with simple settings changes you will get back your 20% of internet bandwidth or speed. Follow this very simple and graphical explained tutorial:

Click: Start/Run and type "gpedit.msc" without the quotes. This will open the group policy editor.

Then choose from the menu or foollow the picture steps:
Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> QOS Packet Scheduler -> Limit Reservable Bandwidth

Double click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth. Windows will say it is not configured, but the real status is shown under the 'Explain' tab: "By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default."

Check "Enable" and then set it to "0" (ZERO) like on picture:

Enjoy in faster web browsing and downloading.

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Speed Up


Anonymous said...

Wow it is good stuff thanks for sharing. I will try this and speed up my connection.Already i have broadband connection but litle bit slow i will try this it may help for me

Viktor Ustijanoski said...

You can also subscribe on our RSS feedback to get interesting and easy tutorials and tips and tricks every day.

ViktorU from DetectorPRO team.

Anonymous said...

well i cant funny, because the pc says the template folder doesnt exist, and it just get freezed the window

can you reply me with a quick answer to my mail?:

Anonymous said...

This is the limit, not a permanent reservation. It means that, while the system is downloading updates, it will use *at most* 20% of your bandwidth. If you aren't downloading any system updates, it shouldn't be using any of the 20% reserved.

Have you got any speed benchmarks to back up your claims?