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How to install Vuze (Azureus) 4.0 on Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10
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The Vuze (Azureus) comes with new Easy User Interface and improvements like new subscription functionality, powerful meta search for private trackers and major improvements to the Vuze HD Network, to make it easier for finding videos that interest you.
This tutorial is updated. Installation works on Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. The old tutorial is after new one.For Ubuntu 8.10, download .deb package and open it for automatic install:
Ubuntu 8.10 32 bit - click here
Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit - click here
For Ubuntu 8.04, download .deb package and open it for automatic install:
Ubuntu 8.04 32 bit - click here
Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit - click here
Old tutorial works on all Ubuntu, and is step by step process:
- First you need installation of Java Runtime Environment. From the System/Administration menu, choose Synaptic Package Manager
- Then Edit/Search and on the search field enter JRE.
- On the right scroll menu, find “sun-java6-jre”, right click on it and choose Mark For Installation
- Click Apply on the main menu
- To add Vuze(Azureus) launcher to Application/Internet menu go to System/Preferences/Main Menu, then from left menu choose Internet and click new item!
- On the name filed enter Azureus or Vuze
- Then browse to the unpacked Vuze(Azureus)
- Select Azureus or Vuze script and click Open
- Click OK
If you want Vuze(Azureus) panel launcher, go to the unpacked folder and drag and drop Azureus or Vuze script to the panel.
Enjoy with new Vuze(Azureus) 4.0 version.
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To install Vuze to Ubuntu Intrepid, I hat to change the ownership of /usr/share/vuze to username, using
sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /usr/share/vuze
Vuze wouldn't update, it always said that "The folder /usr/share/vuze" is not writable.
To populate Applications->Internet with a Vuze item:
System, Preferences, Main Menu, Internet (in left pane), New Item
Name: Vuze
Command: /opt/vuze/vuze (or wherever you put it)
Comment: (whatever you like)
To give this the Vuze icon:
Edit ~/.local/share/applications/alacarte-made.desktop, changing the Icon= line:
[Desktop Entry]
The first line is empty, that's how the file is created by Gnome; it may or may not be important.
The icon change is not effective immediately. It is effective after ubuntu restart, probably after log off and on. To test the change: Preferences->Main Menu->Internet.
To create a launcher on the desktop (with the Vuze icon):
Applications->Internet and right click on Vuze then choose "Add this launcher to desktop".
To create a MIME type association (so clicking on a .torrent file opens Vuze):
Create ~/.mailcap:
# MIME types and programs that process those types
# Users can add their own rules if they wish by creating a ".mailcap"
# file in their home directory. Entries included there will take
# precedence over /etc/mailcap
# The man page for update-mime(8) describes the fields
application/x-bittorrent; /opt/vuze/vuze '%s'; description="BitTorrent client"; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
I'm only guessing that Vuze is X-aware; if not the test= section is useless but doesn't do any harm. If you want to make this MIME type association for all users, modify /etc/mailcap instead.
To configure Firefox (3.0.3) to feed .torrent files to Vuze:
Edit, Preferences, Applications
Content type: Bit torrent seed file
Use other
Browse to /opt/vuze/vuze (wherever you put it)
To start Vuze when starting a desktop session:
System->Control Centre->(Personal) Sessions->Startup Programs->Add
Name: Vuze
Command: /opt/vuze/vuze (wherever you put it)
Comment: Starts Vuze BitTorrent client
If System->Control Centre is not available (it is not, by default) it can be configured by System->Preferences->Main Menu->System and selecting Control Centre.
To install Vuze to Ubuntu Intrepid, I hat to change the ownership of /usr/share/vuze to username, using
sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /usr/share/vuze
Vuze wouldn't update, it always said that "The folder /usr/share/vuze" is not writable.
This just gives:
chown: missing operand after `mysername:mysername/usr/share/vuze'
Try `chown --help' for more information.
What is the correct command to enter?
You're missing a space between myusername:myusername and /usr/sharevuze
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