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Sunday, December 7, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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Ultimate Windows Tweaker - Tweak UI For Windows Vista

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Optimizing Windows Vista, making faster, more stable and more secure can be done with just simply downloading and using a very interesting application. The name is Ultimate Windows Tweaker which is tweaking utility for Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit versions. With this utility you can easy to customize your Windows Vista to meet your requirements. With just few steps and few mouse clicks you can make your Vista much better system. The tweaker detects whether you have IE 7 or IE 8 installed and accordingly offers you the relevant tweaks only.

The utility has a simple easy-to-use user interface, with the tweaks being classified in separate heads based of their functionality. Most tweaks are hidden inside Vista, and what this tweaker does is to try and put the useful one's in one place. Ultimate Windows Tweaker is developed for Windows Vista and supported in all available editions under 32 and 64 Bit. Earlier version of Windows - Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and XP are not supported.

Minimum system configuration: Microsoft Windows Vista, 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors, 5 MB free disk space, Internet Explorer 7 or higher.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker has over 130 tweaks!

Download here: Ultimate Windows Tweaker.

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Anonymous said...

Nice find. MS should have released one earlier.