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Linux tip: Mount and Unmount commands and How to use it - tutorial
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The mount command instructs the operating system that the file system is ready to use, and associates it with a particular point in the system's file system hierarchy (its mount point). The umount command instructs the operating system that the file system should be disassociated from its mount point, making it no longer accessible.
Both commands require root user privilege. Here is some examples how to mount or unmount linux devices:
ReiserFS partition:
sudo mount /dev/$DEVICE $MOUNT_DIR -t reiserfs -o notailwhere
- $DEVICE is the device to be mounted
- $MOUNT_DIR is the directory where you want the device to be mounted
sudo fdisk -lext3 partition:
sudo mount /dev/$DEVICE $MOUNT_DIR -t ext3NTFS partition:
sudo mount /dev/$DEVICE $MOUNT_DIR -t ntfs -o nls=utf8FAT32 partition or USB drive:
sudo mount /dev/$DEVICE $MOUNT_DIR -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8CD/DVD:
sudo mount /dev/$DEVICE $MOUNT_DIR -t iso9660 -o unhide,roISO file:
sudo modprobe loopUnmount:
sudo mount $ISO_FILE $MOUNT_DIR -t iso9660 -o loop,unhide,ro
sudo umount $MOUNT_DIRForce unmount:
sudo umount -l $MOUNT_DIR
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