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Friday, March 7, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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Test your real internet speed with

Don't want to miss a single bit? Subscribe to our RSS Feed! is a broadband connection analysis online tool. This tool has a huge selection of geographically dispersed testing servers. If your internet speed is not as usual, it’s slow, or you have problems with your internet provider, this tool will provide you correct info about performance of your internet connection.. measures download and upload internet speed. At the end of each test, you are presented with the download (the speed of data from the server to your computer) and upload (the speed of sending data from your computer to the server) bandwidth speeds. The tests are performed completely within your web browser over HTTP (like normal web browsing).

Other features:

  • initially recommends a server based on what it thinks is the shortest physical distance between you and one of the servers, or you can choose another server from visual map.
  • All results from previous testing are written in your history log. You can view your past internet testing and compare.
  • Global Stats page provide a tool that offers a view of entire database of test results. Filter by country, region, all the way down to the city level by ISP
You can test your internet speed HERE.

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Anonymous said...

What a good site! Thanks. I will know now, then my provider change my internet speed. I am on cable.