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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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Explore the world with Beetaun - #1 Android application for the G1

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Beetaun app is a top finalist of Google Android Developer Challenge of out of 1788 applications. It is developed of - a software development studio specializing in high-quality mobile applications for Google Android platform.

Beetaun is a social network application for anyone who wants to share and explore interesting destinations and routes, be it a city or a cool cafe. When you use Beetaun, one view of the application offers a map with pushpin-marked destinations near you. Select a pushpin/destination, and you can then read what people have said about it.

As Google wants its Android phones to unseat Apple's iPhone as the top touch-screen handsets, it must have to offer cool apps. On the G1, Beetaun is #1 according to PCWord and its article “15 Killer Android Apps for the G1”.

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