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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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How to remotely control your Windows Mobile Phone

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The answer is software called My Mobiler. The remote control works just for Windows Mobile 6 OS (sorry blackberry). I find this software via Stumbleupon and I make some testings.

The software works with ActiveSync or by IP address to give you multiple options of connecting, giving you the ability for wireless free access to your phone.

It is software which you must install on your mobile phone and lets you control it from your desktop with My Mobiler application tool. After installation software can be easily connected to your mobile with just one click on the tray icon.

The mouse works exactly like a touch on the touchscreen and the computer keyboard works as an input device. Another useful tool which goes with My Moblier is Mobile explorer which you can use for file browser of your mobile and do any kind of file transfer. Copy and Paste works as it does on your desktop.

Conclusion: Very useful piece of software. You can use this software for pick up your phone to make a call from your desktop, typing long texts, take a screenshots of your mobile phone for some tutorials or making video tutorials, etc. It is DetectorPro recommended software for anyone who has Windows Mobile device.

Link and download:

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Laurie Roskam said...

Thank you for this info! I'm on my way to purchase this now!! With gratitude, laurie b.

Laurie Roskam said...

This is off topic but I absolutely cannot get SU linked to my blog and running....can someone please please explain why the code isn't working or what I could possibly be doing wrong. I use Blogger. Thanks. Laurie B.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to use a headset / PC mic and speakers to talk through the phone, when using My Mobiler?
If so how?

Anonymous said...

No, it is not possible to use handset and mic of your PC to talk on My Mobiler, as I know... It is just application for file transfer with excellent gui