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Mandriva Linux 2009 released
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At October 9th 2008 the MANDRIVA S.A. released new improved version of the Mandriva Linux operating system. Mandriva Linux 2009 Edition will compete with upcoming Ubuntu 8.10 and maybe try to attract some of its users. Mandriva Linux is a freely available, community-based Linux distribution based on the RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) package management system. Mandriva includes popular desktop environments: GNOME 2.24, KDE 4.1.2. The lightweight and modern desktop LXDE is newly added.
Others features of new Mandriva 2009:
- Revamped Control Center;
- Redesigned installer;
- Improved boot speed;
- Repositories are automatically configured;
- Better mirror management;
- Out of the box support for many webcams;
- Improved DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) management;
- Improved language selection;
- Implementation of the PolicyKit and PackageKit technologies;
- Improvements to the Mandriva Windows Migration and Parental Control utilities;
- Live Upgrade (same as Ubuntu's update-manager tool);
- initscript improvements;
- Atheros wireless network (WLAN) drivers;
- Splashy boot splash system;
- Support for Netbook hardware like ASUS Eee PC, Acer Aspire One and the MSI Wind;
- Support for the Intel G41 graphics chipset;
- system-config-printer, the new printer configuration utility;
- lots of desktop improvements and new artwork!
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