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Monday, October 20, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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Vista Services Optimizer software

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Vista Services Optimizer is software which enable safe optimization of Windows services based on how you use your computer. A standard Vista installation has many services turned on and running that you may not have any use for, consuming CPU and memory that can potentially slow down your system. Vista Services Optimizer does these jobs to find how to optimize the system:

  1. Analyzes your system and
  2. Suggest services that can be safely turned off
  3. Perform an automatic tune-up based on what is suitable for your system, or
  4. Use a manual tune-up that lets you select from a more detailed list of features that you want to disable.
Using this program does not require any technical knowledge. It provides easy checkbox options to tune your system for personal needs. The program includes a system restore feature. This feature allows you to restore Windows service settings to their defaults at any time. Don’t worry that you can mess up something, you can backup previous situation of your system any time.

Download: Vista Services Optimizer

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