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Monday, October 20, 2008

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How to secure your PC with Hosts file

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What is Hosts file?
It is a Windows file which contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. The Hosts file load into cache memory at startup and then Windows checks the Hosts file before it queries any DNS servers. That enables it to override addresses in the DNS and this prevents access to the listed sites by redirecting any connection attempts back to the local computer.

What can we secured with the Hosts file?
The Hosts file has also ability to block some applications from connecting to the Internet. You can use this file to block ads, Cookies, page counters, web bugs, banners, most hijackers. The Hosts file is one of the little things which every middle advance user of Windows can use to add security to its computer without paying a penny using the HOSTS file.

How to learn how to use Hosts file?
Learn how to accomplish that with following Tanya Combrinck’s video guide:

More about HOSTS file:


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