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Saturday, November 22, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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How to save hard drive space from system restore utility in XP

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Windows XP's system restore utility by default uses 12% of each hard drive in your system. That's a lot of not used space. With reducing this percentage, you will reduce the amount of restore points system restore can create, but this does not adversely affect the functionality of the program. To makes new restore points Windows will delete old ones to make room for new ones.

How to decrease the amount of space system restore uses? This can be done with following next steps:

  1. Right click on 'my computer' and
  2. Select 'properties' then the 'system restore' tab.
  3. List in the system restore tab contains each of the hard disks installed on your system. Highlight each one in turn and
  4. Press the 'settings' key.
  5. Move the slider to adjust the amount of drive space used. My recommendation is no more than 2-4% of each drive.

Results - bigger disc space and more storage space!

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