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Monday, September 22, 2008

Stumble Upon Toolbar
written by: Ukion in
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Goosh – unofficial Google command shell

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Google story again! If you are terminal or shell lover and if you like just with typing on your keyboard (like hackers from old movies) makes things happen, and of course if you love Google search, this is a “thing” for you. They called it Goosh and it is kind of http command shell for Google search engine and its known functions. Using this terminal interface will makes you feel like you working in Linux or UNIX.

You can find the “thing” here. Following are the command options that you can use to make things happen:> help


command aliases parameters function
web (search,s,w) [keywords] google web search
lucky (l) [keywords] go directly to first result
images (image,i) [keywords] google image search
wiki (wikipedia) [keywords] wikipedia search
clear (c) clear the screen
help (man,h,?) [command] displays help text
news (n) [keywords] google news search
blogs (blog,b) [keywords] google blog search
feeds (feed,f) [keywords] google feed search
open (o) <> open url in new window
go (g) <> open url
more (m) get more results
in (site) <> search in a specific website
load <> load an extension
video (videos,v) [keywords] google video search
read (rss,r) <> read feed of url
place (places,map,p) [address] google maps search
lang change language
addengine add goosh to firefox search box
translate (trans,t) [lang1] [lang2] <> google translation>

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