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Friday, October 24, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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Free online storage - review

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If you getting tired of burning your file backups onto CD/DVD or loading them onto a USB storage device try using new innovations in Internet technology - internet data storage web sites. These sites give you the ability to keep a full copy of your hard drive as back up at a remote facility, thus ensuring that your important documents are never lost. The only issue is that with so many of these sites available – which one do you choose? We took the time to compare online data storage websites, including the popular This review details how they measured up to the competition...

The security on this site is on very high level. That gives to the user a big confidentiality about using this site for storage his data. The interesting feature of’s service was the ability to choose the storage package that best suits your needs. Different packages offer different features. As we are platform independent and we like free stuff we choose free package which is limited to 100 Mb of storage. Other options are 10 GB for $10 month and 20 GB for $20 month.

I found interesting that on storage space offered of you can easily store your outlook contact online, outlook tasks online and editing stored documents, also online. You can access those information’s anytime- anywhere, and you can send email reminders automatically to others about upcoming tasks and events.

I found the sign-up process for new account require nothing more than an e-mail and password, making one of our top favorites.


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Star Jeff said...

With the advent of broadband internet access, online data storage has never been quicker or easier to use. There are a wide variety of options in the online data storage space and finding the right features to meet your needs at the best price can be a daunting task. Fortunately sites like Star Reviews provide an assortment of both expert and consumer reviews on many online data storage options.