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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

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written by: Ukion in
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How to improve your wireless network performance

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If you are connected to wireless network and you like to extend the range of wireless network, or you have some problems with weak signal or slow/variable connection, this is the right post for you. Those tips will help you to improve the signal for your wireless network or, some of them will help you for extending your wireless range and improving your wireless network performance.

1. Wireless router position

Place your wireless router in a central location in you working place. Don’t put you router outside wall, the signal will be weak between walls, on the other side of your working place (building, home, etc.). If you can’t move you wireless router, continue to read next tips for improving your wireless network performance.

2. Move the router away from some specific objects

Move the router away from walls, speakers, TV sets, mobile phones, metal objects. Those objects will interfere with your router's wireless signals. The closer your router is to these objects, the weaker your connection will be.

3. Regularly update your network adapter driver

Network adapter vendors sometimes update the software (driver) that operating systems uses to communicate with your network adapter. Regularly update your network driver with the newest version. Last vendor driver version always has some new improvements.

4. Change your wireless channel

Wireless router broadcasting on several different channels (similar to the way radio stations use different channels). Change your wireless router channel through your router's configuration page. Try changing few channels and test your network signal. Choose one channel which has the highest signal straight

5. Replace wireless network adapter of your computer

When your router broadcasting is strongly enough to reach your computer, maybe your computer can't send signals back to your router. Replace your laptop's PC card-based wireless network adapter with a USB network adapter that uses an external antenna. This tip is not important for users which have laptops with built-in wireless antennas, because this antenna has excellent receive/send signal.

6. Replace router antenna

Router antenna broadcast in all directions around the router. If you can’t move the router from its present position (near the wall, metal objects, not working room) and you like to improve you wireless network signal, upgrade you router with a hi-gain antenna. These types of antennas focuses signal only to specific direction. You can aim the signal directly to you working place in the building.

7. Add a wireless repeater

Place the wireless repeater halfway between your wireless access point and your working place. Wireless repeater improves and extends signal strength. Recommended models: Linksys and D-link.

8. Upgrade 802.11b router device to 802.11g router device

802.11b and 802.11g are types of wireless networks. 802.11b is the most common type of wireless network, but 802.11g is five times faster. If you're using 802.11b and you're not satisfied with the performance, replace your router and network adapters with 802.11g-compatible equipment.

If you have some other tip to suggest, don’t hesitate to share it, as comment in this post.

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Anonymous said...

Ukion, I have wireless connection problems 1 month, but, tip 4 really helps me, thank you! I become your feed reader...
