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Storage your files online with DropBoks
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DropBoks is application inside browser that allows you to securely store files online. At this moment creators of this online storage space allows for each user max. 1 GB of storage space. You can upload/download files (any format) as large as 50 MB. You can upload multiple files at once. Simply click the "+Add Files" link towards the top right. Once you are prompted to select a file, just hold down the 'Ctrl' key on your computer and select as many files as you want.DropBoks very soon will upgrade their application to support sharing files with other users online. Also they plan to release more storage space for each user (from 2 to 3 GB).
DropBoks is very secure. DropBoks converts to HTTPS (SSL), means that DropBoks is verified by a secure source and is issued an authentication certificate. That means that all files that are transferred to and from their system are encrypted as well as authenticated.
All other/upcoming features you can read on DropBoks blog at: http://dropBoks.wordpress.com
Conclusion: DropBoks is very interesting medium for storage files. The service is free, good for travelers and it is very simple to use.
Link: http://www.dropboks.com
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